2022 Build Season – Week 4

Week Four

Aloha! Welcome to the fourth week of the 2022 Rapid React Build Season!

day 23

We are excited for week 4 of build season and can’t wait to begin working! Construction has been busy cutting parts for the robots. Our Control Systems team has been working on wiring the robot and testing prototypes and pneumatics. They have also begun mapping out the robot’s wiring schematics.

day 24

Another day of build season and we have already made progress with all sub-teams! The Construction team is hard at work making the final robots climber and starting to assemble the main areas and continuing to work on 3D modules. Control Systems has continued working on the drive code, pneumatic testing, and began wiring the robot. Documentation has been preparing photos and videos to compile at the end of the week.

day 25

Day 25 consisted of our teams advancing through this year’s build season. The construction sub-team started the powder coating; frame and uprights, as well as worked on the assembly of the final frame, sushi roller & surgical tube for intake, and the lift. Control Systems worked on pneumatic testing and continued to write the robot. Documentations have been there capturing each moment to update our website with, uploading our week 3 recap video, and posting on social media!

day 26

This first week of build season is flying by! Our Construction team continued assembling the competition robot and modified our ball management system prototype. Control Systems worked on testing the shooter prototype. Documentation has continued preparing for the Chairman’s Award and our end-of-the week recap of Week 4!

day 27

 Today we made modifications to the climber by replacing it with a longer version. Construction also assembled the Andy Mark version of the upper hub. Meanwhile, Control Systems worked on a PID to test the lift at various speeds. Documentation continued working on the Chairman’s Award as well as the end-of-the week recap for Week 4!

day 28

With only one day left of this week’s build season, we are continuing to assemble our competition robot. Construction has continued powder coating the intake, turret, and shooter parts as well as continuing to work on the mainframe. Control Systems have continued to test the left and shooter at various speeds. All the while, Documentation has continued recording each sub-team with photos and videos, updating our website, making sure that all of our binders are up to date, and working on our Chairman’s Award submission.

day 29

Our construction team cut parts and continued assembling our competition robot. They also put the final touches on the feeder station for our practice field. Control Systems resolved an issue they had with the solenoids. They also tested pneumatics and the indexing of balls. The Documentation sub-team is keeping our website and social media up to date with recent photos and videos. They also worked on compiling clips from throughout the week for this week’s recap video!

Check Out Week Five!